
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy is a research-based scientific method of therapy that helps children with autism learn important new skills while working through social difficulties and challenging behaviors.

ABA therapy is an evidence-based approach to teaching children with autism new skills across a wide range of areas, including:

  • Communication skills
  • Social skills and awareness
  • Positive peer interactions
  • Academic engagement
  • Self-care skills
  • Play skills
  • Self-esteem

ABA therapy aids in the learning and development of these skills and others that will help every child live a full and productive life.

“No matter where they are starting from, every child has the potential to learn and develop positive behaviors and skills across every area of life,” said David Mikula, CEO of Inner Circle Autism Network. “The benefits of this therapy help children live independently and with more self-confidence.”

Communication and Social Skills

The development and improvement of a child’s communication and social skills is part of the bedrock of ABA therapy, teaching children positive social and communication skills that are foundational to building and maintaining relationships throughout their lives.

From minimally verbal or nonverbal children to children who struggle with social interaction or playing with others, ABA therapy’s individualized approach targets the specific needs of the child.

ABA therapy helps children learn to communicate their wants and needs verbally and nonverbally and understand the use of verbal language and nonverbal communication (body language) in meaningful contexts, like a classroom or playroom. The social benefits of ABA therapy are equally important to treatment, as children learn to handle a variety of social situations positively, including initiating social interactions, playing well with others, and understanding body language and facial expressions.

The development of these skills leads to greater self-confidence in social situations, as children are better able to advocate for themselves and communicate their needs through positive social interactions.

Self-Care and Self-Esteem

Through the development of positive behaviors, ABA therapy is effective in addressing challenging behaviors, including:

  • Tantrums
  • Bed-wetting
  • Feeding problems
  • Aggression
  • Self-injury

A reduction in these and other challenging behaviors coupled with the development of positive behaviors gives children more self-confidence as they interact with people in different social situations.

ABA therapy can be instrumental in promoting a wide variety of daily life skills that promote independence and self-esteem, including:

  • Potty Training
  • Handwashing
  • Tooth brushing
  • Feeding
  • Dressing
  • Hygiene

From communication and social skills to self-care skills that impact independence, ABA therapy offers a broad range of benefits for children with autism.

Learn more about the benefits of ABA therapy here.


We are excited that you’re interested in learning more about what we do. Feel free to contact us via email, phone, chat, or fill out an intake form to get the process started. We look forward to hearing from you!