
Stephanie Perkins knew ABA therapy would be a good fit for her son after reading about the behaviors it could address. At the time, her son, Chris was withdrawn and unable to communicate his needs or wants.

“He would literally spend an hour laying on the floor, banging a drawer into the wall just in his own world,” Perkins said. “You could go behind him, clap your hands, do whatever you wanted, he would not look at you.”

Inner Circle Autism Network’s board-certified behavior analysts met with Perkins to understand Chris and his family’s goals. From there, they built a plan with goals and milestones centered on Chris’ strengths and needs. In coordination with Chris’ therapy team, Perkins was able to watch and monitor her son’s progress toward achieving his milestones.

“A family can expect to see meaningful progress from ABA therapy in such ways that the behaviors that their kids are learning are meaningful to their daily life and also allows them to participate successfully in daily life.” Inner Circle Autism Network Chief Executive Officer David Mikula explained. “We set milestone goals for each child to to meet, and by setting those goals, we can look at how long it is taking each child to meet those goals and understanding what barriers exist around these goals.”

Today, Perkins said her son has the tools to connect with his family.

“It’s drawn him out and it has made him blossom, and it has completely given my child the life that he has and the independence that he has,” Perkins said. “And without ABA, I don’t think he would have realized his own potential.”

More about Inner Circle Autism Network’s approach to ABA therapy

Choosing the right ABA therapy provider for your child can be a daunting task that requires parents to navigate logistical hurdles like scheduling and insurance, while constantly worrying if you’ve made the right decision for your child.

At Inner Circle, every child receives an individualized therapy plan that is tailored to their skills, strengths, and areas of need. Personalized ABA therapy programs ensure your child receives the attention and quality treatment they need, as progress is measured on an individualized basis as well.

Finding the Right Fit

Parents should never need to wonder whether or not their child’s ABA therapy program is a “good fit” for them or whether or not they are receiving the individualized attention they need.

We don’t believe ABA therapy is a one-size-fits-all approach. Our Board-Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) create treatment plans that are unique to your child.

“Our approach ensures that every child receives ABA therapy as part of a program that is designed to meet their needs and incorporate their strengths,” said Inner Circle clinical treatment director Tatum Alsup, M.A., BCBA, LBA. “Every child is unique, and we believe each child’s ABA therapy program should reflect that.”

Inner Circle has the expertise and resources to deliver every aspect of ABA therapy plans your child may require, from social skills training to home-based ABA therapy. With Inner Circle, parents can rest easy knowing their child is receiving a personalized treatment plan that is right for them, and that their ABA therapy provider has the resources and expertise to deliver whatever treatment their child needs.

Communication and Social Skills

For children with autism, communication and social skills training are vital components of their ABA therapy program.

Our behavior therapists work to help children communicate verbally and non-verbally during every session using a variety of behavior principles and teaching techniques.  At Inner Circle, our behavior therapists focus on functional communication, emphasizing the understanding and use of language in meaningful contexts.

Social skills are a core component of ABA therapy and are included in a way that helps each child have meaningful interactions with different people in a variety of social situations.

Contact us to learn more and get your child started with the right ABA therapy program today.

We are excited that you’re interested in learning more about what we do. Feel free to contact us via email, phone, chat, or fill out an intake form to get the process started. We look forward to hearing from you!